
Forward compatibility kwargs

**kwargs is required in all handlers for the forward compatibility: the framework can add new keywords in the future, and the existing handlers should accept them without breaking, even if they do not use them.

It can be named **_ to prevent the “unused variable” warnings by linters.

Retrying and timing

Most (but not all) of the handlers – such as resource change detection, resource daemons and timers, and activity handlers – are capable of retrying their execution in case of errors (see also: Error handling). They provide kwargs regarding the retrying process:

retry (int) is the sequential number of retry of this handler. For the first attempt, it is 0, so it can be used in expressions like if not retry: ....

started (datetime.datetime) is the start time of the handler, in case of retries & errors – i.e. of the first attempt.

runtime (datetime.timedelta) is the duration of the handler run, in case of retries & errors – i.e. since the first attempt.


param (any type, defaults to None) is a value passed from the same-named handler option param=. It can be helpful if there are multiple decorators, possibly with multiple different selectors & filters, for one handler function:

import kopf

@kopf.on.create('KopfExample', param=1000)
@kopf.on.resume('KopfExample', param=100)
@kopf.on.update('KopfExample', param=10, field='spec.field')
@kopf.on.update('KopfExample', param=1, field='spec.items')
def count_updates(param, patch, **_):
    patch.status['counter'] = body.status.get('counter', 0) + param

@kopf.on.update('Child1', param='first', field='status.done', new=True)
@kopf.on.update('Child2', param='second', field='status.done', new=True)
def child_updated(param, patch, **_):
    patch_parent({'status': {param: {'done': True}}})

Note that Kopf deduplicates the handlers to execute on one single occasion by their underlying function and its id, which includes the field name by default.

In this example below with overlapping criteria, if spec.field is updated, the handler will be called twice: one time – for spec as a whole, another time – for spec.field in particular; each time with the proper values of old/new/diff/param kwargs for those fields:

import kopf

@kopf.on.update('KopfExample', param=10, field='spec.field')
@kopf.on.update('KopfExample', param=1, field='spec')
def fn(param, **_):

Operator configuration

settings is passed to activity handlers (but not to resource handlers).

It is an object with a predefined nested structure of containers with values, which defines the operator’s behaviour. See: kopf.OperatorSettings.

It can be modified if needed (usually in the startup handlers). Every operator (if there are more than one in the same process) has its config.

See also: Configuration.

Resource-watching kwargs

For the resource watching handlers, an extra kwarg is provided:

API event

event is a raw JSON-decoded message received from Kubernetes API; it is a dict with ['type'] & ['object'] keys.

Resource-changing kwargs

Kopf provides functionality for change detection and triggers the handlers for those changes (not for every event coming from the Kubernetes API). A few extra kwargs are provided for these handlers, exposing the changes:


reason is a type of change detection (creation, update, deletion, resuming). It is generally reflected in the handler decorator used, but can be useful for the multi-purpose handlers pointing to the same function (e.g. for @kopf.on.create + @kopf.on.resume pairs).


old & new are the old & new state of the object or a field within the detected changes. The new state usually corresponds to body.

For the whole-object handlers, new is an equivalent of body. For the field handlers, it is the value of that field specifically.

diff is a list of changes of the object between old & new states.

The diff highlights which keys were added, changed, or removed in the dictionary, with old & new values being selectable, and generally ignores all other fields that were not changed.

Due to specifics of Kubernetes, None is interpreted as absence of the value/field, not as a value of its own kind. In case of diffs, it means that the value did not exist before, or will not exist after the changes (for the old & new value positions respectively):

Resource daemon kwargs


Daemons also have stopped. It is a flag object for sync & async daemons (mostly, sync) to check if they should stop. See also: DaemonStopped.

To check, .is_set() method can be called, or the object itself can be used as a boolean expression: e.g. while not stopped: ....

Its .wait() method can be used to replace time.sleep() or asyncio.sleep() for faster (instant) termination on resource deletion.

See more: Daemons.

Resource admission kwargs

Dry run

Admission handlers, both validating and mutating, must skip any side effects if dryrun is True. It is True when a dry-run API request is made, e.g. with kubectl --dry-run=server ....

Regardless of dryrun, the handlers must not make any side effects unless they declare themselves as side_effects=True.

See more: Admission control.


subresource (str|None) is the name of a subresource being checked. None means that the main body of the resource is being checked. Otherwise, it is usually "status" or "scale"; other values are possible. (The value is never "*", as the star mask is used only for handler filters.)

See more: Admission control.

Admission warnings

warnings (list[str]) is a mutable list of string used as warnings. The admission webhook handlers can populate the list with warnings (strings), and the webhook servers/tunnels return them to Kubernetes, which shows them to kubectl.

See more: Admission control.

User information

userinfo (Mapping[str, Any]) is an information about a user that sends the API request to Kubernetes.

It usually contains the keys 'username', 'uid', 'groups', but this might change in the future. The information is provided exactly as Kubernetes sends it in the admission request.

See more: Admission control.

Request credentials

For rudimentary authentication and authorization, Kopf passes the information from the admission requests to the admission handlers as is, without additional interpretation of it.

headers (Mapping[str, str]) contains all HTTPS request headers, including Authorization: Basic ..., Authorization: Bearer ....

sslpeer (Mapping[str, Any]) contains the SSL peer information as returned by ssl.SSLSocket.getpeercert(). It is None if no proper SSL client certificate was provided (i.e. by apiservers talking to webhooks), or if the SSL protocol could not verify the provided certificate with its CA.


This is an identity of the apiservers that send the admission request, not of the user or an app that sends the API request to Kubernetes. For the user’s identity, use userinfo.

See more: Admission control.