Operator testing

Kopf provides some tools to test the Kopf-based operators via kopf.testing module (requires explicit importing).

Background runner

kopf.testing.KopfRunner runs an arbitrary operator in the background, while the original testing thread does the object manipulation and assertions:

When the with block exits, the operator stops, and its exceptions, exit code and output are available to the test (for additional assertions).

import time
import subprocess
from kopf.testing import KopfRunner

def test_operator():
    with KopfRunner(['run', '-A', '--verbose', 'examples/01-minimal/example.py']) as runner:
        # do something while the operator is running.

        subprocess.run("kubectl apply -f examples/obj.yaml", shell=True, check=True)
        time.sleep(1)  # give it some time to react and to sleep and to retry

        subprocess.run("kubectl delete -f examples/obj.yaml", shell=True, check=True)
        time.sleep(1)  # give it some time to react

    assert runner.exit_code == 0
    assert runner.exception is None
    assert 'And here we are!' in runner.stdout
    assert 'Deleted, really deleted' in runner.stdout


The operator runs against the cluster which is currently authenticated — same as if would be executed with kopf run.