Diffing the fields

Previously (Updating the objects), we have set the size of PVC to be updated every time the size of EVC is updated, i.e. the cascaded updates.

What will happen if the user re-labels the EVC?

kubectl label evc my-claim application=some-app owner=me

Nothing. The EVC update handler will be called, but it only uses the size field. Other fields are ignored.

Let’s re-label the PVC with the labels of its EVC, and keep them in sync. The sync is one-way: re-labelling the child PVC does not affect the parent EVC.

Old & New

It can be done the same way as the size update handlers, but we will use another feature of Kopf to track one specific field only:

@kopf.on.field('ephemeralvolumeclaims', field='metadata.labels')
def relabel(old, new, status, namespace, **kwargs):

    pvc_name = status['create_fn']['pvc-name']
    pvc_patch = {'metadata': {'labels': new}}

    api = kubernetes.client.CoreV1Api()
    obj = api.patch_namespaced_persistent_volume_claim(

The old & new kwargs contain the old & new values of the field (or of the whole object for the object handlers).

It will work as expected when the user adds new labels and changes the existing labels, but not when the user deletes the labels from the EVC.

Why? Because of how patching works in Kubernetes API: it merges the dictionaries (with some exceptions). To delete a field from the object, it should be set to None in the patch object.

So, we should know which fields were deleted from EVC. Natively, Kubernetes does not provide this information for the object events, since Kubernetes notifies the operators only with the newest state of the object – as seen in body/meta kwargs.


Kopf tracks the state of the objects and calculates the diffs. The diffs are provided as the diff kwarg; the old & new states of the object or field – as the old & new kwargs.

A diff-object has this structure:

((action, n-tuple of object or field path, old, new),)

with example:

(('add', ('metadata', 'labels', 'label1'), None, 'new-value'),
 ('change', ('metadata', 'labels', 'label2'), 'old-value', 'new-value'),
 ('remove', ('metadata', 'labels', 'label3'), 'old-value', None),
 ('change', ('spec', 'size'), '1G', '2G'))

For the field-handlers, it will be the same, but the field path will be relative to the handled field, and unrelated fields will be filtered out. For example, if the field is metadata.labels:

(('add', ('label1',), None, 'new-value'),
 ('change', ('label2',), 'old-value', 'new-value'),
 ('remove', ('label3',), 'old-value', None))

Now, let’s use this feature to explicitly react to the re-labelling of the EVCs. Note that the new value for the removed dict key is None, exactly as needed for the patch object (i.e. the field is present there):

@kopf.on.field('ephemeralvolumeclaims', field='metadata.labels')
def relabel(diff, status, namespace, **kwargs):

    labels_patch = {field[0]: new for op, field, old, new in diff}
    pvc_name = status['create_fn']['pvc-name']
    pvc_patch = {'metadata': {'labels': labels_patch}}

    api = kubernetes.client.CoreV1Api()
    obj = api.patch_namespaced_persistent_volume_claim(

Note that the unrelated labels that were put on the PVC —e.g., manually, from the template, by other controllers/operators, beside the labels coming from the parent EVC— are persisted and never touched (unless the same-named label is applied to EVC and propagated to the PVC).

kubectl describe pvc my-claim
Name:          my-claim
Namespace:     default
StorageClass:  standard
Status:        Bound
Labels:        application=some-app