Starting the operator

Previously, we have defined a problem that we are solving, and created the custom resource definitions for the ephemeral volume claims.

Now, we are ready to write some logic for this kind of objects. Let’s start with an operator skeleton that does nothing useful – just to see how it can be started.
import kopf
import logging

def create_fn(body, **kwargs):"A handler is called with body: {body}")


Despite an obvious desire, do not name the file as, since there is a built-in module in Python 3 with this name, and there could be potential conflicts on the imports.

Let’s run the operator and see what will happen:

kopf run --verbose

The output looks like this:

[2019-05-31 10:42:11,870] kopf.config          [DEBUG   ] configured via kubeconfig file
[2019-05-31 10:42:11,913] kopf.reactor.peering [WARNING ] Default peering object is not found, falling back to the standalone mode.
[2019-05-31 10:42:12,037] kopf.reactor.handlin [DEBUG   ] [default/my-claim] First appearance: {'apiVersion': '', 'kind': 'EphemeralVolumeClaim', 'metadata': {'annotations': {'': '{"apiVersion":"","kind":"EphemeralVolumeClaim","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"my-claim","namespace":"default"}}\n'}, 'creationTimestamp': '2019-05-29T00:41:57Z', 'generation': 1, 'name': 'my-claim', 'namespace': 'default', 'resourceVersion': '47720', 'selfLink': '/apis/', 'uid': '904c2b9b-81aa-11e9-a202-a6e6b278a294'}}
[2019-05-31 10:42:12,038] kopf.reactor.handlin [DEBUG   ] [default/my-claim] Adding the finalizer, thus preventing the actual deletion.
[2019-05-31 10:42:12,038] kopf.reactor.handlin [DEBUG   ] [default/my-claim] Patching with: {'metadata': {'finalizers': ['KopfFinalizerMarker']}}
[2019-05-31 10:42:12,165] kopf.reactor.handlin [DEBUG   ] [default/my-claim] Creation is in progress: {'apiVersion': '', 'kind': 'EphemeralVolumeClaim', 'metadata': {'annotations': {'': '{"apiVersion":"","kind":"EphemeralVolumeClaim","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"my-claim","namespace":"default"}}\n'}, 'creationTimestamp': '2019-05-29T00:41:57Z', 'finalizers': ['KopfFinalizerMarker'], 'generation': 1, 'name': 'my-claim', 'namespace': 'default', 'resourceVersion': '47732', 'selfLink': '/apis/', 'uid': '904c2b9b-81aa-11e9-a202-a6e6b278a294'}}
[2019-05-31 10:42:12,166] root                 [INFO    ] A handler is called with body: {'apiVersion': '', 'kind': 'EphemeralVolumeClaim', 'metadata': {'annotations': {'': '{"apiVersion":"","kind":"EphemeralVolumeClaim","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"my-claim","namespace":"default"}}\n'}, 'creationTimestamp': '2019-05-29T00:41:57Z', 'finalizers': ['KopfFinalizerMarker'], 'generation': 1, 'name': 'my-claim', 'namespace': 'default', 'resourceVersion': '47732', 'selfLink': '/apis/', 'uid': '904c2b9b-81aa-11e9-a202-a6e6b278a294'}, 'spec': {}, 'status': {}}
[2019-05-31 10:42:12,168] kopf.reactor.handlin [DEBUG   ] [default/my-claim] Invoking handler 'create_fn'.
[2019-05-31 10:42:12,173] kopf.reactor.handlin [INFO    ] [default/my-claim] Handler 'create_fn' succeeded.
[2019-05-31 10:42:12,210] kopf.reactor.handlin [INFO    ] [default/my-claim] All handlers succeeded for creation.
[2019-05-31 10:42:12,223] kopf.reactor.handlin [DEBUG   ] [default/my-claim] Patching with: {'status': {'kopf': {'progress': None}}, 'metadata': {'annotations': {'': '{"apiVersion": "", "kind": "EphemeralVolumeClaim", "metadata": {"name": "my-claim", "namespace": "default"}, "spec": {}}'}}}
[2019-05-31 10:42:12,342] kopf.reactor.handlin [DEBUG   ] [default/my-claim] Updating is in progress: {'apiVersion': '', 'kind': 'EphemeralVolumeClaim', 'metadata': {'annotations': {'': '{"apiVersion": "", "kind": "EphemeralVolumeClaim", "metadata": {"name": "my-claim", "namespace": "default"}, "spec": {}}', '': '{"apiVersion":"","kind":"EphemeralVolumeClaim","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"my-claim","namespace":"default"}}\n'}, 'creationTimestamp': '2019-05-29T00:41:57Z', 'finalizers': ['KopfFinalizerMarker'], 'generation': 2, 'name': 'my-claim', 'namespace': 'default', 'resourceVersion': '47735', 'selfLink': '/apis/', 'uid': '904c2b9b-81aa-11e9-a202-a6e6b278a294'}, 'status': {'kopf': {}}}
[2019-05-31 10:42:12,343] kopf.reactor.handlin [INFO    ] [default/my-claim] All handlers succeeded for update.
[2019-05-31 10:42:12,362] kopf.reactor.handlin [DEBUG   ] [default/my-claim] Patching with: {'status': {'kopf': {'progress': None}}, 'metadata': {'annotations': {'': '{"apiVersion": "", "kind": "EphemeralVolumeClaim", "metadata": {"name": "my-claim", "namespace": "default"}, "spec": {}}'}}}

Note that the operator has noticed an object created before the operator was even started, and handled the object because it was not handled before.

Now, you can stop the operator with Ctrl-C (twice), and start it again:

kopf run --verbose

The operator will not handle the object, as now it is already successfully handled. This is important in case the operator is restarted if it runs in a normally deployed pod, or when you restart the operator for debugging.

Let’s delete and re-create the same object to see the operator reacting:

kubectl delete -f obj.yaml
kubectl apply -f obj.yaml